Sunday, August 7, 2011

Satisfying the sweet tooth

Once in a while (oh who am I kidding? ALL the time...) I get the urge to have something sweet. I don't want it too sweet like frosting but just a bit of natural sweetness perked up. And I want it NOW. Not an hour from now when some stupid cake has finished baking. Nor do I want to fuss with waiting for an oven to preheat. And a cookie just won't do. Cookies are for munching on but they don't have the same kind of sink you teeth in slight sweet satisfaction factor to it that a cake, pie, or brownie does. I have found the answer to my problems. Tapioca cakes. They cook quick in the steamer. I start the water boiling while I prep in and by the time the water is ready so am I. 15 mins later a treat is done. The recipe I give below is complete but the thing is, once you get the hang of it all you have to do is keep around some tapioca pearls soaking in water in a little jar in the fridge. Pull it out and make a single serving when you feel like it with any filling you please. I use red bean below but have since happily subbed it out for PB, sesame seed paste, sweetened mashed yams, dulce de leche, and more. Whatever you like.

Matcha Red Bean Tapioca Mini-Cakes

Original recipe found here:

200 grams tapioca
85 grams sugar
2 tsp matcha powder
2 tblsp oil
145 grams sweetened red bean paste

Soak tapioca in enough water to cover at least 2 inches for at least 1 hour. Rinse and drain well. Add in sugar, matcha, and oil and mix.

Use any shape mold you like. I used silicone muffin cups. Spoon in enough of the tapioca mixture to line the bottom and sides of muffin cup right up to the top. Add in enough red bean paste to fill the cavity and leave about 1/2 inch from the top. Top with more tapioca mix. Steam for 25 mins until tapioca is translucent. They pop right out of the silicone muffin cups but if you use a regular muffin pan (nonstick or not) you might have to oil the pan a bit first and use a knife to loosen it. It lasts several days and is good eaten hot or warm. You can store in the fridge and reheat it by steaming quickly for 5 mins.

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